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Top Simple Swaps to Eat, Think & Live Better
Simple swaps are all about making small changes to your daily life which over time add up to make a big difference overall. This is the healthiest and most achievable way to stay unstoppable all year round! Research shows changing one small habit for an alternative can result in significant improvements; not so scary after all! If you’re in it for the long haul…little and often is key!
We have rounded up some of the best simple swaps from you guys and our Bounce Inspirers, which are super easy to try at home or might inspire you to come up with your own – whatever works best to fit in with you!

– Swap Sugary granola for scrambled eggs and spinach, with wholemeal toast – Ellen McDermott (EDCO Continental cycling team)
– Swap regular pasta for black bean or chickpea pasta for a more nutritional meal – Sarah Busby (Sprinter)
– Swap Cow’s milk for Almond or Oat Milk – Casey Michaels (Stunt Woman)
– Swap butter for avocado on toast! – Adelle Tracey (GB Triple Jumper Athlete)
– My simple swap would be natural yoghurt in my tuna salad instead of mayonnaise I like to finish it off with a little beetroot for extra juices – Jennifer Batey (EDCO Continental cycling team)
– Swap milk chocolate for cacao or dark chocolate (less processed and higher in anti-oxidants)- Jo Meek (Ultra Runner)
– I swap my mid-morning fatty crisps for my home made beetroot, sweet potato and curly kale crisps all sprinkled with chilli flakes and turmeric. If I fancy a sweet treat I’ll make apple rings sprinkled with cinnamon – Roxanne Turner, Facebook
– My work swap snack is honey in my tea & coffee rather than regular sugar! Natalie Babington, Facebook

– Swap your fears & wishes for brace determination and dream auctioning – Kim Ingleby (Mind Body Coach
– Visualise yourself being confident and successful in the meeting. Believe that your contribution is valuable (Louise, Work Well Being)
– Hanging out with my #BounceBallsBuddies… laugh, chat and chill. Equals stress-free times! #simpleswaps (Anne O: @eyes_wide_uk)
– Taking 5mins a day to practice mindful breathing, it really helps to collect your thoughts (@justjulie_sw)
– Zone out of work worries by listening to a good podcast on your commute (Rachel Piddington @rach_pidd)
– The thought of Friday! (Petra GC Facebook)
– Make use of your commute time. Swap scrolling emails, for a podcast with a short, guided meditation. (Louise, Work Well Being)
– Swap your social media & TV time for adventure planning, reading & writing, creating some action & fun- Kim Ingleby (Mind Body Coach)
– Swap driving to work to cycling to work (an old suggestion but honestly a great one). – Jo Meek (Ultra Runner)
– Climbing, the complexity of the world melts away and life becomes a simple challenge between myself and a rock. – Ryan Rogerson, Facebook
– Book your workouts in at the start of the week on your calendar and give them as much priority as you would an important meeting! Beki Cadd, Facebook
– Setting an early alarm! Sometimes it’s hard to get up but I always feel so much better if I’ve run or walked the dog before work. It really sets you up for the day. Natalie Babington, Facebook
– Combining activity into the daily commute, swap the train or bus for a bike. Or walk to a further away stop or station and get off a stop early, that extra walking distance can make a big difference! Gillian Clark, Facebook